Saturday, January 25


The Most Common Reasons Why People Quit Karate
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The Most Common Reasons Why People Quit Karate

"Hey. Wait a minute! I only just started Karate and now you’re talking to me about quitting already. What do you think I am – an undisciplined, unmotivated loser or what?” OK, maybe you’re right, maybe I shouldn’t talk to you about quitting yet but I think there are some valuable lessons to be learned from the beginning about the different reasons why people quit karate. By knowing this you will know which pitfalls to avoid. There are some common reasons for quitting karate that are often beyond our control such as lack of money, moving out of the area, illness or injury, change in family circumstances, the death of a loved one, and other unfortunate circumstances. Although all of these are valid reasons I will list in this short article the reasons that are within our control. Here are ...